Mari baca lawak

Pada suatu hari, 2 orang kaya sedang bersembang sambil menikmati kopi. Salah seorang daripada mereka berkata, "hei, ko tau pemandu aku tu bodoh betul. Kalau awak tak percaya, mari aku tunjukkan". Dia memanggil pemandunya Ah beng dan berkata, " Ah Beng, ini duit RM10, pergi ke pameran kereta dan belikan saya sebuah mercedes." Ah Beng menjawab, "ya tuan saya akan pergi dengan segera dan dia pun bergegas ke pameran kereta tersebut.

Orang kaya itu berpaling sambil berkata kepada rakannya seraya berkata, "Awak nampak tak? Saya dah bagitau awak dia ni sangat bodoh".

Orang kaya yang seorang lagi pun berkata, " yang tu tak dikira bodoh lagi, awak nak tengok yang lebih bodoh?" dia pun memanggil pemandunya Ali dan berkata, " ali, pulang ke rumah dan periksa jika saya berada di rumah".Sambil menjawab, " Ya tuan, sekarang juga saya pergi."
"See, i told you, dia ni takda otak sehingga dia tak terfikir jika saya berada disini, mana mungkin saya akan berada di rumah".

beberapa lama kemudian, kedua-dua pemandu tersebut terjumpa di pertengahan jalan. Ah Beng berkata kepada ali, "Hei, bos saya bodoh betul. dia memberi saya RM10 dan dia menyuruh saya pergi ke pameran kereta dan minta belikan sebuah kereta Mercedes... Takan dia tak tau, hari ni adalah hari ahad lah, pameran tu tutup...

Ali menjawab, "awak fikir bos awak tu bodoh sangat ke? my boss lagi la teruk, dia menyuruh saya pergi ke rumah dan periksa sekiranya dia d rumah, Dia ada handphone lah!! kenapa tak telefon rumah untuk periksa??

Movie Review : Avatar

Korang dah tengok ke filem Avatar?? Baru2 ni Filem Avatar mula ditayangkan di Malaysia pada 18 disember. Aku pun tak ketinggalan juga lah nak tengok filem ni, hebat ke tak.. Dan fulamak, memang best gile la tengok aksi dorang ni. Mata aku tak bekelip pun masa menonton filem ni. Memang best. Aku recomend la pada yang kaki tengok wayang, pegi la tengok filem ni, berbaloi.

Ok, sedikit tentang filem ni,

Pengarah filem ni adalah James Cameron, (tak tau la sapa dia ni, sebab aku ni minat tengok filem je, sapa yang buat filem ni aku tak peduli pun, yang penting best..hehe)
Watak starring dilakonkan oleh Sam Worthington sebagai Jack Scully dan heroin filem ni pula dilakonkan oleh Zoe Saldana sebagai Neytiri. Watak penjahatnya pula dilakonkan oleh Stephen Lang sebagai Kolonel Miles Quaritch.

Filem ni mengisahkan tentang sebuah syarikat yang cuba menggali mineral yang dipanggil unobtanium di sebuah planet yang jauh dari bumi, Pandora. Mineral ni terletak di bawah perkampungan puak yang tinggal disana, puak Na'vi.

Dengan menggunakan kejuruteraan genetik, Saintis telah mengambil DNA puak ni dan mencipta badan Manusia-Na'vi yang dipanggil Avatar. Puak Na'vi ni melancarkan perang keatas manusia selepas manusia mengganggu tempat tinggal mereka, dan bermula la aksi Jake Scully Dengan Avatarnya..

So anda nak tau lebih lanjut tentang filem ni?? Jom ramai2 ke panggung dan tengok filem ni.. beessttt!!

Sedutan dari filem ni yang aku ambil dari

** Filem Arahan James Cameron, Avatar ni menduduki tangga teratas box office di US

koleksi gambar Kampung Sukau

Ini adalah koleksi gambar semasa lawatan kami ke Kampung Sukau, Kinabatangan Sabah. Memang menarik tempat ni. Dengan Binatang kiar dan kecantikan alam semulajadi, pencinta alam pasti akan terpikat dengan Kampung Sukau.

Kg Sukau, Kinabatangan

Korang pernah ke dengar nama tempat ni? Kalau korang Sabahan mungkin tau la kot. Actually Kg Sukau terlatek Di daerah Kinabatangan Sabah. Korang nak tau, tempat ni Fames tau untuk para pelancong. Nak tau sebabnya? Sebabnya, kat sini korang leh jumpa spesis gajah yang terkecil di dunia iaitu Borneo Pygmy Elephant Yang hanya ada di Pulau Borneo. Di sepanjang sungai kinabatangan juga anda ble nampak spesis orang utan yang hanya ada di borneo iaitu Monyet Belanda atau nama saintifiknya, Proboscis Monkey.

proboscis monkeyMonyet Belanda

Menarik beb, Waktu petang, anda ble pegi river cruise dengan menyewa bot dengan harga yang berpatutan. Anda akan dibawa menyusur sungai-sungai kecil di kampung sukau ni. Antaranya Ialah sungai Menanggol. Waktu ni la korang akan nampak banyak monyet Belanda bertenggek d pokok bakau sepanjang sungai. memang sangat menarik.

Dan kalau anda bernasib baik, anda akan terjumpa kawanan Borneo Pygmy Elephant di tepi sungai.

proboscis monkey
kepada yang berminat nak kesini, anda ble menginap d rumah tumpangan Bed & Breakfast yang dimiliki oleh orang tempatan Kampung Sukau ni. Memang Best Gila tempat ni..

Dan aku nak pesan kepada anda yang nak kesini, jangan lupa Kamera anda!!!! hehehe... kalau yang berkuasa tinggi lagi la best!!

korang nak tau lebih lanjut tentang Kampung Sukau ni?? klik di sini je

Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park Picture Collection

This is my collection of Tunku Abdul rahman Marine Park pictures during my visit at this park. This place is so beautiful. Your visit is worth. Its far from the bustling city and the beauty of the nature really make you feel better. its hard for me to express the it with words, just enjoy the pictures!!

Manukan island

you can feed fish here with your hand

Tunku Abdul Rahman marine park

Manukan Island beach


wild flower at tunku abdul rahman marine park

tunku abdul rahman marine park

tunku abdul rahman marine park

tunku abdul rahman marine park jungle

Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park

Pulau Gaya, Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine ParkPulau Gaya Jetty

Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine park is a cluster of 5 Island including Pulau Gaya,Pulau Manukan, Pulau Sapi, Pulau Mamutik and Pulau Sulug. it took 10 - 20 minutes by speedboat ride from Sutera Harbor's Marina or Jesselton Point, the Marine park is covering some 4,929 hectares of land and sea. The Marine Park was gazetted as the National park in 1974 and named for the nation's first Prime Minister. This Marine Park offers you white sandy beaches and crystal clear water. The Park also has some of the most diverse coral reefs and marine life in the world.

tunku abdul rahman marine parkWhite Sandy Beach of Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park

This marine Park is an ideal location for divers. The reefs lie in shallow waters with little current making it an ideal location for novice divers. It also an interesting location for experienced divers and underwater photographer because of the diverse and rare marine creatures. There are also variety of marine life can be found such as Scorpion fish, Blue-spotted rays, cuttlefish, mantis shrimps and the occasional green or hawksbill turtle.

Tunku Abdul Rahman marine parkFish in The marine park. You can even fed the fish by hands

Sometimes, at some locations, rare creatures such as harlequin ghost pipe-fish and mandarin fish can be found especially with the help from local dive guides. During the cooler months from November to February, plankton blooms attract krill which in turn attract whale shark, the world's largest fish. At times, the density of the krill v=can be so thick in these murky conditions underwater encounter with these colossal animal can be exciting as they suddenly appear out of the gloom.

World War II, Tunku Abdul Rahman marine ParkRemnant of World War II

There are also remnant of World War II bomb found at Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park.

How To get There

If you wish to go there, there are daily boat services available from the jetty of Jesselton Point at Kota Kinabalu City Center from 7.30am to 5pm. Here, express boats transport visitors to the park and back to the jetty of Jesselton Point. You can also Head to Sutera Harbor's marina where they provide you services to go and pick up from the marine park.

For more info, contact

Sabah Tourism Board, 51 Gaya Street, 88000 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Malaysia.
Tel: +6088 212121 Fax: +6088 212075 Email:

Danum Valley Rainforest

danum valley
Some kind of animal footprint found. This must be a footprint of a wild pig. It as big as an average 7 years old child. If we enter the jungle, there are a lot more unidentified footprint found especially on soft soil.

beautiful flower, flower, danum valleyBeautiful Wild flower. Wild Flower can be found anywhere in Danum Valley. They also provide a trail where there are lots of Orchids found there!! It just amazing to see those wild orchids.

danum valley, birdsLove Birds!! Just nice to watch such lovely birds during the night safari in Danum valley

danum valley, segama riverSegama River. There are lots of freshwater fish and freshwater prawn found in the river. This River also a home of monitor lizard.

danum valley, monkeyA species of monkey found in Danum Valley. This Monkey move in a large group, and this one i manage to get a photo of it. Its a small monkey with a long tail. I dont't have any idea what species is this. Maybe the expert can tell us.

       There are a lot more interesting things you can find in Danum Valley. If you are lucky, during your way entering Danum Valley you will saw Borneo Pygmy elephant at the road side, and some times the elephant is resting in the middle of the road. Some of the people with that experience told that they need to wait for a few hours for the elephant to go away. if you force the elephant to get away, i might get angry and hurt you.
       Other than that, you can see lots of different species of monkey and birds. The jungle also is amazing. For who've been to Danum Valley, the feeling must be very different.
       There are also Sumatran Rhino Can be found in Danum Valley. But you must be very lucky if you found this animal because the number of this animal in Danum valley is not high. You need to stay a few days inside the jungle to be able to saw this animal, but it also depend on your luck. According to International Rhino foundation, there are only 12 to 15 Sumatran Rhino living in sabah, Malaysia!!!! This is Shocked but that is the fact.
There are a lot more to discover in Danum valley. Its Jungle, the Animal and many more. For who want to visit Danum valley, i welcome you. Place your booking at
Borneo Rainforest Lodge or you can go to Danum valley Conservation Area. There are lot more awaiting!!!